Základní škola T. G. Masaryka, Český Krumlov, T. G. Masaryka 213

Náš adoptivní žák Munashe

15. listopadu 2017

Novinky od našeho adoptivního žáka Munasheho.


I am 17 and this year I have started to attend Form 3 on Amaveni High School! In the future I would like to be a teacher or a doctor.

Last year I enjoyed many things – I passed all my examinations at school. I also enjoyed when my favourite football team Chelsea won 23 games in a row. And I was happy when Amaveni St Mary´s parish choir took position number one in a competition.

At school I like reading novels and doing sports – especially athletics. From school subjects I prefer Mathematics, Science and English. I dislike teachers who do not attend classes on time.

In my free time I love watching horrors and scary movies.

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